Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Random Thought From a Few Weeks Ago...

Locker rooms are the great equalizer. Where else would you be able to get naked in public and be (almost) totally unashamed? Today, I actually heard another woman fart in the locker room bathroom. I can probably count on both hands the number of times I've heard such a thing. (This is more impressive if I emphasize how often I use the bathroom, since I consume large quantities of iced tea and water and am constantly having to pee). I was proud of this faceless woman! For daring to fart in a bathroom! Audibly, even! Women are taught NOT TO FART, EVER. If you must do such a thing, do it quietly and alone (kind of like masturbation). I also realized that no matter how fat I felt in my workout class (I'm the fat slow girl), I didn't feel bad in the harsh lights of the locker room, totally naked except for my shower flipflops. In those lights, everyone has a little flab or unwanted hair, except for the swim team girls, who are totally inhumanly skinny and who need to eat a cheeseburger NOW. (Then they need to tell me their hair-removal secrets, so I don't feel like a gorilla next to them). *ahem* Aside from the swim goddesses, I don't usually feel like I'm comparing myself (badly) to the other women in the locker room. It's maybe the only place that the constant comparison and subsequent poor measuring up ends. Now, if only the floors weren't so covered in other people's hair...


Anonymous said...

YEA!! mental images of naked hairy curvy women farting!

Tiny Shrink said...

At least they're HAPPY naked hairy curvy farting women!

Anonymous said...

i said yea!!