Monday, February 13, 2006

What Happens to You When You Get up at 5 am

So this morning in the aforementioned locker room, I pulled out my carefully-picked outfit of the day and received the shock of my life: I forgot to pack a bra. I've only been wearing one since I was 10 years old. For 14 years, I've had to wear some form of breast support every day, yet today I forgot one. After my shower, I put on my rather tight shirt and prayed that I'd be able to pull it off, but no such luck. It was saggingly obvious that I was braless. I heaved a sigh and headed out to meet my fiance, ready to ask him to take my home so I could correct my mistake.

As I get out to meet him, he says "we have to go home." Phew for me, but why?

"I picked up the wrong pants this morning."

I looked down, and I started to wonder, why did those pants look so short? And flare-legged? And strangely like a pair of jeans I bought at the Gap a year ago?

Yes, friends, my fiance was wearing my jeans. We officially wear the same size pants, just in strikingly different lengths.

So it's 8 am, and the high point of my day has already come and gone.

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